Sunday, June 02, 2013


351. The feel of an actual book
352. A drink outside with a new friend
353. Partnering with new people in ministry
354. Uncertainty and eagerness of middle schoolers
355. When a teenager checks on her mom through text
356. So many people stopping me to make sure I know that they are glad that I am here
357. Parent meeting
358. Questions that invite teenagers to tell some of their story
359. Parents wanting to get involved in a new way with the youth meeting
360. Seeing parents experience hope
361. Homemade Ginger and lemon cookies - yum
362. Telling Pam that the teenagers like having her around & they want her to help more
363. The look on her face after I told her
364. That the Winfrees came to serve at Joseph's Storehouse on Saturday
365. Sunday afternoon naps
366. Fresh smell of clean laundry warming in the sun
367. Texts from Michelle, Shari and Gregg - checking on the parent meeting
368. Mom's hard recipes that taste so good
369. Family on Memorial Day
370. Warm blankets to curl up under
371. Cheering on runners with strangers
372. Watching my sister with her daughter
373. Hugs that fit just right
374. Friends who drive me back & forth to the airport
375. Birthday cards from youth and parents
376. Lulu lemon gift card
377. Grandpa's birthday bonds for the majority of my life
378. Hand written cards
379. Setting a personal record of 27:45 at the Memorial 5k!!! 
380. My dad taking care of my mom
381. Mom trying to help in the kitchen even though she's in a wheelchair for now.
382. Laughter with mom & dad in the kitchen
383. The way Grace's smile happens so quickly 
384. Holding Grace and breathing her in
385. When she nuzzles into my neck
386. Telling my aunt that I'm proud of her - 
387. That she's taking a risk by making some hard life decisions
388. Dad taking me to Rita's ice tonight
389. Spending the day with Grace and my mom
390. I love watching Grace see things
391. Birthday dinner of steak and crab legs
392. Grandpa brought Wendy's salads over for lunch cause that's his new routine with mom
393. Singing old Raffi songs with mom & Grace
394. All the birthday wishes from so many people that I've known over my life through calls, texts and facebook
395. Kissing my mom on the head
396. Homemade steak sauce
397. Talking to Sandi about Blue Like Jazz today
398. My mom's pantry always stocked for anything
399.  Mom's voice
400. Falling asleep as dad plays his classical guitar

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that's given us." ~ JR Tolkien

Centennial Trail, South Dakota 2005

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