Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Savorings... 201-250

201. A window seat to rest in before dinner
202. Tennessee farm houses
203. Dinner with the first family who invited me over
204. Watching Toly open his birthday presents
205. Having an off day
206. Tim checking on me today
207. Praying for my youth this morning
208. Small answered prayer for a hard situation
209. Watching my dad sing to mom & Grace on my iPad
210. Working with a team of people who seem to all love & honor each other
211. Signing up for as many free birthday meals that I can find :)
212. Mom's foot healing well
213. A raining morning off 
214. Time to read 
215. Officially moving to Lebanon
216. Time with Ingrid to catch up
217. Whole foods
218. Breakfast with Laura, Bev, Melissa and Vona
219. Walking around Franklin downtown 
220. Yummy Mexican food at Sopapillas new restaurant in Hendersonville
221. Hart of Dixie season two with Ingrid
222. Making jokes with 7th and 8th graders
223. Taking time to go to 3 different grocery stores for the best prices
224. Preparing meals for the week
225. Playing with chia seed 
226. Getting to a 5:15 am boot camp outside in 38 degrees
227. Loving the boot camp
228. That I speak German
229. The noise my mom's knee makes 
230. That I spent most of my childhood in Germany
231. Reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder collection at least 30 times
232. My mom singing to me when I went to bed
233. Tapes from Grandpa Dean on my childhood birthdays of songs that he wanted me to know about
234. I still have the tape from my 7th birthday
235. I interviewed my Grandma Carolyn when I was in 8th grade and still have the recording
236. My best friend, Bettina, from 2nd grade
237. Bettina's family - I loved spending time with them
238. Lemon and coffee ice in Europe
239. Schnitzel, spaetzel and spezi
240. Clean water to drink any time I want
241. The opportunity to go to Nigeria in 2008 and 2009
242. Listening to my dad play Bach when I was going to bed in high school
243. Making root beer with my grandpa 
244. Music therapy
245. Hiking the Appalachian trail with my sister
246. Recognizing the Hermit Thrush call - and I love it
247. Hiking in New Zealand 
248. Walking up to Mount Rushmore without paying because we were hiking the Centennial Trail
249. Borrowing a car to drive to Rhode Island while staying the night in Connecticut
250. Memories that are popping up through this process

"Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves." ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Tongariro Crossing I New Zealand, 2009 

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