Sunday, October 26, 2008

"Are you too hot for tea?"

Mary Ann has drinks hot tea here every morning and evening, so she offered me tea last night and I said it was too hot for tea. So this morning she asked me..."Are you too hot for tea?" Pretty funny.
Today has flown by. I went to bed last night around midnight and fell asleep immediately but woke up before 6:00 a.m. Mary Ann turned the generator off around 12:30 a.m. so eventually I was just so hot and I laid there for about an hour and listened to the world around me start moving. There were four kids outside singing and playing and car horns and at some point someone started play praise and worship music - loudly out of a neighboring window. Oh, and many roosters crowed but not till 8:00 a.m. Crazy animals.
I spent some time reading Rob Bell's new book Jesus wants to save Christians and then it was time to get water for the day. Mary Ann has help with this during the week but on the weekends she has to get her own water. They have a spigot out back that the neighbors all use to fill their buckets or jugs - and most Nigerians carry them on their head! (I am going to try to take pictures of all the amazing things they carry on their head - I just haven't been bold enough yet). We both had the joy of carrying two 40 pound water jugs up 3 flights fill their water barrel. Then it was time for a shower, which means that you fill up a small bucket and stand in the tub and wash. We ate poptarts and then it was time for we got into the ministries car. Mary Ann navigated through the crazy traffic here in high heels and traditional dress to get us to the Methodist Church of Nigeria.

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