Monday, November 19, 2007

YS Day 3

Got to sleep in a bit. I made it to the General session about 20 minutes before it started. Have always enjoyed Taylor Mason, as a matter of fact I think that he has changed how people view puppets. But his bit this time was so short - only two puppets...and not as interactive. But I am glad that I got to see him. If you haven't ever seen him, you have definitely got to if you ever get the chance.
I went backstage to chat with Marko about Meltdown 08 and I didn't get lost. It was interesting to watch lots of different people relax backstage and hang out - children as well - while they seamlessly put the different acts and speakers onstage. Also, Marko and Tic had a short conversation about what they would do if they couldn't find Doug Fields before he was supposed to be on stage - but he showed up before they got too worried. That would be the hardest part for me...not being able to get in touch with someone once the general sessions start...whew.
Zach Hunter was interviewed by Jeannie Stevens - He is the 15 year old that wrote a book about "Be the Change". So humble.
Doug Fields spoke about envy. Especially ministry envy. I don't really struggle too much with ministry envy - because as my friend Vona said today, "I just don't go there". It's not an issue for me - it does fly around me at times but it just doesn't stick. I struggle more with when I know someone is doing something they shouldn't be and no one else knows...and they fake it so well. Is it my job to call them out???? Correct? I have done that at times and pray that I have done it generosity and gentleness...but I know how crazy my heart and soul were in that time.

I went to Marko's seminar on Middle school ministry and was honestly encouraged about where our middle school ministry is. We definitely don't have it all together but we are trying to create a SAFE place for our students to engage in relationships with each other, with adults and with Jesus.

Then I left NYWC because I paid $25 for a parking spot till 4:00 p.m. because of the Lakers game downtown and some concert at the Tabernacle...and I would have had to pay another $25 to stay there for the evening. So I went to the Lenox Mall to go to Sephora, Teavana and Urban Outfitters and was actually completely overwhelmed by the amount of people - so I left as soon as I could.
Had dinner with a bunch of friends and then to bed!!!

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